Robin AI is thrilled to announce that we have been recognised in the 2023 People’s Platform Award for our exceptional workplace culture. This prestigious award celebrates forward-thinking companies that prioritise building rewarding cultures where employees feel valued, engaged, and empowered.
We are honoured to be part of an impressive cohort of winners including Notion, Figma, and Noom. The People’s Platform Award is based on extensive research and surveys of over 60,000 employees across 10,000 companies. Winners are selected for going above and beyond in creating cultures that put people first. We are honoured to be acknowledged as one of the top workplaces in the technology industry.
At Robin AI, our culture is driven by our ambitious yet enjoyable mission of using AI to transform the legal industry. As our CEO Richard Robinson says, he started Robin AI to build a business that had an impact on the world. He envisioned a workplace where people actually enjoy coming to work each day.
Another key part of our culture is a broad focus on hiring the best people regardless of their race, gender or background. As part of a recent deep dive into the structure of our team, we were proud to find that we have 47% female and 34% minority ethnic employees and are committed to ensuring that Robin AI remains as diverse a team as possible.
Our inclusive hiring practices and diversity initiatives help create an environment where people of all backgrounds can thrive. By building a team with diverse perspectives and experiences, we tap into the full potential of our workforce.
Our culture gives employees autonomy and control over their time, and empowers people to focus on their productivity and output. Employees feel they can make a real difference and influence the trajectory of Robin AI’s success through their performance.
By bringing together mission-driven people and providing the autonomy to do groundbreaking work in a connected, engaging environment, Robin AI has created a culture our employees are proud of.
We’re thrilled that the People’s Platform Award recognises these efforts to build a truly outstanding workplace. This honour motivates us even more to foster a culture where our exceptional employees can continue thriving and driving change.