Faster contract analysis with Robin AI Reports

5x quicker generation of simple, easy-to-read contract reports

Make contract analysis, negotiation
and due diligence simple with Legal AI

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Speed & efficiency

Get reports generated and reviewed 5x faster. Unlock focus for strategic priorities.


Move transactional work forward faster with quick analysis and insights.
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Risk mitigation

Understand off-market positions, key terms and obligations during negotiation.
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Visibility & oversight

Facilitate decision-making with C-suite and board stakeholders.

Legal AI you can trust

Citations in every report. Human-in-the-loop verification.

Empower your team with Legal AI to create scalable, seamless processes

Contract analysis

Get a clear picture of terms and obligations in executed agreements
5x faster process using Robin AI to generate and review Reports
Simple, clean and clear format to cut through the noise quickly
Generate summary reports, compliance reports and more to identify important contract terms
Customize reports to meet your business requirements

Contract negotiation

Get Faster alignment across stakeholders on negotiation strategy
Unlock new business and growth opportunities faster
Simplify and streamline complex contract review
Get to the terms that require deeper analysis quickly
Enable effective collaboration and approvals processes

Due diligence for M&A

Generate a single report that analyzes risks across multiple contracts at once
Move transactions forward quickly by removing days (or even weeks) from due diligence processes
Reduce delays and get deals done faster with Legal AI
Create a unified view of risk to inform decision-making
Cut tedious manual work out and get straight to the analysis

Use Robin AI Reports today by creating your free account

Explore out-the-box Reports templates to support your department

Install instructions

Start by creating a free Robin AI account and we’ll guide you through the process


Your questions, answered.
When will Robin AI reports be available to paid and free users?
What can users get from the free version?
What are the common doc types we can run reports on?
What is the Report format?
What document formats can be fed into Reports?
Are the reports customizable?
Can teams save Report templates?
How citations work in Reports?
Do lawyers still need to manually crosscheck Reports?
How can Robin AI Reports boost M&A?

Focus on the strategic work you do best

Let Robin AI handle the rest